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Don’t Pay for Phone Lines Year Round if You have Seasonal Peaks. CAP & GROW.

While instant financial benefits of SIP Trunks make them worth adopting as a primary means of voice communication, if your business has seasonal call volumes, you can save even more.

Activo can implement a Cap and Grow Strategy that allows companies with seasonal call volumes to use SIP Trunks to accommodate the additional phone capacity needed at peak times, while maintaining only a minimum number of phone lines year round.  Why pay year round for phone lines you only need seasonally?

SIP Trunks Benefits SIP Trunks Benefits with CAP & GROW

Activo’s Cap and Grow Strategy allows companies with higher calling periods during peak times of the year to add SIP Trunks when additional calling capacity is needed. By using SIP Trunks at optimal calling times, companies can pay for a minimum number of standard telephone lines all year round, and use SIP Trunk lines during the times when they need additional calling capacity. This eliminates the need to pay for enough PRI Lines all year round to accommodate peak times, while paying for unneeded call volume for most of the year.

By implementing a SIP Trunking system, cost savings can occur immediately by up to 40%. SIP Trunks do not require you to purchase Basic Rate Interfaces (BRIs), Primary Rate Interfaces (PRIs), or PSTN gateway lines, all which create extra telephone costs. When a company wants more capacity to make voice calls and use the Internet for general practice, they have the option of upgrading their Internet bandwidth. Adding more capacity to a digital IP network may be as simple as a software update.

Posted in, Bandwidth

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